Wednesday 24 July 2013

Beyoncé Gets Hair-Caught By A Fan.

Beyoncé got stage-hugged again but this time, it's not by a fan but a fan..Yeah, an electrical fan somehow pulls Blue Ivy's mama hair to itself and strategically tangles it. But, Beyoncé being a professional, stood upright at one position while her bodyguards engage themselves in trying to untangle it as she performs "Halo".

As humorous as she could have be, She took to Instagram and uttered her halo's lyric to "Gravity can't begiiiiin to pull me out of the fan again/ I felt my hair was YANKIIIIIIIN / From the fan that's always hatiiiiiin."I think it's instant Karma for her, if you could properly recall that she yelled at a fan to stop taping her..Anyways, I think it's just remarkably brilliant that she turned away from what could've been an awkward situation to a funny one.

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