Tuesday 20 August 2013

Beyoncé Spends £1,444 On Meal.

I heard tours eat the hell out of you but this is not the case for Beyoncé as she was spotted coming out of Essex location of Nando's, a casual dining eatery in the U.K. for its chicken, with some other persons. The main gist here is that, a receipt was obtained from the eatery and what seems to be "£1,444" was written on it. That's #312138.42 in Nigeria currency..just for food? Yeah, the receipt contains the food order as "58 wing platters, 48 whole chickens, 12 veggie burgers and 24 coleslaw orders". (Pic of the receipt after the cut)

Got to say, Beyoncé is still at the top of the highest celebrity food order. If you would recall, she also spent  £875 in a Dublin branch of the same restaurant. I bet they food that nice!


  1. They r willing to spend huge amount of money on luxury and food, what wil happen to them, if they allocate dat moni into charity?

  2. Hi, your comment isn't that valid becos She does charity..maybe you weren't aware of her last month's charity or a space on her website just for charity.
    Thx for the comment.

  3. Couldnt she just have redirect that amount to charity? Than aiming for celeb with highest fud order. Soon, naija celebs will start followin up with this irrelevant showoff

  4. with that money spent, i would have started my dream business


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