Monday 2 September 2013

Fashion Tips and Tricks- (Part ii)

As many of you that read and found my previous article on Fashion Tips and Tricks useful, well, buckle up for this one as Amebo Network exclusively brings to you “Fashion Tips and Tricks- Part ii”. This part is mainly for individuals that have long or short necks and I’ll try my possible best not to make this one lengthy as the previous.
So if you’ve fixed on your reading glasses, a cup of tea and a comfy couch then get ready for a good read. And before I proceed, I have to inform you that a good hairstyle could help in both sides.

For Short Necks:

Having short neck is just like having no neck at all and I’d bet a dime that would be awkward to look at. But with this tip/trick, let’s just say you won’t be getting the “turtle jokes” any more.

What is suitable to wear?

1.Necklines/Collars: As you would have read about necklines on my previous post, I guess there will be no need for further explanation. So I’ll just go straight to the point;

  -Open Collars/Necklines: Putting on a shirt/dress that has a well tailored open neckline would be your best shot. It doesn’t only give your neck a “long-gesture” view but it also compliments your neck and makes it more visible in a good way.

  -U-Shaped Neckline:
Fashion Tips and Tricks- Amebonetwork

The U-shaped neckline shares the same features with the open neckline only that it makes your neck even more visible. But, I wouldn’t advise anyone with terrible collar bones on display to wear a U-shaped neckline. Unless, you are putting on a round-neckline wear inside.

What you should ditch:

Turtle neck: I might have melted your cool with this one and with all due respect, please ditch this wear! It makes you seem as if you don’t even own a neck.

Fashion Tips and Tricks-mandarin collar-amebonetwork
Pic's source: tonycustomtailoring

mandarin collar, well known as bishop collar is a short unfolded stand-up collar style mostly on a shirt or jacket hides your neck. Thus, making it impossible to see.

For Long Necks: 
Fashion Tips and Tricks-Long Neck-amebonetwork
Pic's source: poshhhh

Your friends, colleagues or/and even your family members might have tossed the “Giraffe-joke” at you. And you might just walk away doing the shame walk. If only you will implement this tip/trick then you might just restore your cool. Ok, let’s move on…

What is suitable to wear?

1. Huge Jewelries: Calm down ladies! This shouldn’t be added to one of your excuses you use in draining HIS money. Huge jewelries are well known for their ability to cover up a large portion of your neck giving an illusion that makes your neck a little shorter and at the same time, average. I would advise you to use this tip ONLY when you are going to a party or an important event so you won’t attract unnecessary attention to yourself.

2. Turtle Neck:
Fashion Tips and Tricks
Pic's source: media.onsugar

The only difference between turtle neck and huge jewelries is that this one doesn’t cost you much. Turtle neck wear performs the same feature as the tip above.

3. Scarves
Fashion Tips and Tricks- Amebonetwork
Pic's source: mammasogno

Scarves covers as much as everything and the best part is that it doesn’t even cost you that much, being it fancy or just plain.
How does a scarf help? Just pick up a scarf and wrap it around your neck (not too tight o!) and viola! Your neck seems about average.

What you should ditch:

1. V-shaped Neckline:
Fashion Tips and Tricks- Amebonetwork
 This is not just a tip, it’s also an advice to any individual having a long neck. Please, steer clear from any shirt/dress with a V-shaped neckline. It doesn’t only make your neck seem longer than it usually appears but it also makes you look “Mr. D*ckhead “. Unless, you are going to a comedy party then you are good to go. Also bear in mind, that if there were to be a price for the funniest dressed clown, you’d be the winner.

That'd be all for now.

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  1. you stood up to ur promise and gave us the part ii. Thanks, i luv it!

  2. It's my duty to serve you articles and that's what I'm doing. All the same, you're welcome.


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