Friday 2 August 2013

MAN OF STEEL controversy: Does Superman Kill?

                                                     **SPOILERS ALERT**
It's been only two weeks when I posted 2013 must see movies,in which, Man of steel appeared and by now, many more individuals might have watched the spectacular movie. Criticism, however, have reached a certain level of global awareness, lamenting on the part where Superman literally killed General Zod by dislocating his neck. Today, I've took it upon myself to clear the air from such criticism blinding most individuals with the idea that Superman was portrayed as evil in the recently released MAN OF STEEL. Indeed, that part made him seem somewhat evil but the critics never mentioned WHY he did it. For me, Superman did it only to save a family from being vaporized by Zod's laser beam..yeah!,there should have been another way to have done that without killing him, I totally agree with you. Lets rephrase a little bit, in a part where Zod said "There's ONLY ONE way to end this..Kal; either you die or I do".

Superman didn't play stupid to ignore such statement form a very powerful Kryptonian being rather he acknowledged it to his own benefit as was seen later in the movie. In the last of the epic battle, Supe had his hands around Zod's neck with Superman pleading with him to stop his act(from killing a family in front of them), Zod replied with a rather confident word "NEVER!!". There, in that very moment, Superman realized that it was either Zod or the Earthlings..there, in that moment of weakness, he cracked the life out of Zod..then, he had a moment of guilt.

See? that was a one-way survival event. Here's what the MAN OF STEEL crew had to say,  "..David, Chris and I had long talks about it, and I said that I really feel like we should kill Zod, and that Superman should kill him. The ‘Why?’ of it for me was that if was truly an origin story, his aversion to killing is unexplained… I wanted to create a scenario where Superman, either he’s going to see [Metropolis' citizens] chopped in half, or he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do."

Apart from this criticism, people also questioned the choice of style of Supe's costume. I say, it's better to ditch the circus costume for a modern wear.

A sneaky view into the future: Man of Steel 2, features Superman and Batman which is expected to be released, probably,by 2015.


  1. nice write-up, im with u guy. I had such argument with a frnd of mine last week that supaman did this due to the fact that Zod will never stop until his goal is reached, if he hadnt done it, he'd lost the 'planet' to him, zod, in turn, would enslave earth. Superman had compassion to avert this disaster into an 'earth-save' mission. If he hadnt snapped his neck, he wldnt have came up with his 'No-More-Killing' policy, he wldnt have been shaped to the 'superman' we all adorn.

    1. true,, the movie lacks the essential weakness of Superman, the kryptonite. Oh and that device that was used in superman II. If dose were present, we wont be having this discussing rite nw.

  2. this might be a tad late but lemme add to the above ppl's thought, I find the first comment so true and correct, without what happened at the end of man of steel, it wld make superman seen perfect(nobdy is perfect). The directors/producers/writers had to deep down, unveiling the darkest secrets of superman then from there, forged him into the superman everybdy loves. It's a great storyline that shld be appreciated rather than cuss. The writer of this article is so on point, looking 4ward to ur latest updates.


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