Wednesday 11 September 2013

Miley Cyrus's "wrecking ball" Beats VEVO most-viewed clip.

The queen of twerking is currently having her moment of ups and downs--mostly downs. She recently launced her newest singles titled "wrecking ball" where she went completely nakéd and swung on a wrecking ball.

It's actually no surprise that VEVO would give her the spot of most-viewed clip with a count of 19million views just in its first 24 hours of upload. After getting to know of her glory, she took to teitter and updated her timeline with "wrecking ball has officially beat the VEVO records..thank you smilerzzzzz"

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The musical band, one direction won't be too glad when this news reaches then as they were VEVO's previous most-viewed. Their singles "Best Song Ever" music video got a view of 10.7 million in its first 24hours of upload.

Miley shouldn't feel so comfortable at her current spot as the one direction boys will one way or another deprive her of such glory.

Until then, Congrats Miley.

Watch the video of wrecking ball below!

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