Friday 23 August 2013

Mark Zuckerburg Teams Up With Other Networks To Bring Internet Access To The “next five billion” People.

Facebook is really about social networking as Mark Zuckerberg launches a program to bring internet access to the “next five billion” people, whatever that means. Lol, just kidding. The owner of Facebook, Mark teams up with Nokia, Opera, Qualcomn, Ericsson and Samsung, among others, to lower the cost of mobile data making it available for those who cannot afford it. The newly organized team has also put into book, to help those in developing countries to be a part of the “net-o-sphere”. Just to prove how engrossed they are into this project, the team drew out statistics that proves that just 2.7billion people, almost one-third of the world’s population are well known with the term “internet”.

A statement in the project states “data compression tools, enhancing network capabilities to more efficiently handle data, building systems to cache data efficiently and creating frameworks for apps to reduce heavy data usage”. However, most people are finding the project a little bit out of place claiming that some nations have other priorities to deal with older than internet.

...And I couldn't agree more with them.

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