Saturday 24 August 2013

Healthy Tip Of The Week.


Sun Bath To Acquire Vitamin D
Sun Bath For Vitamin D
The sun’s rays on the skin helps your body to produce Vitamin D, which has been proven to fight against osteoporosis, heart attack, depression, high blood pressure and neuromuscular diseases. And the good news is that you don’t have to pay for this treatment, well unless, you want the version attached with a price tag. Then, foods like Salmon, Mackerel, Oily fish, Eggs, Cheese, Milk and most cereals are your best shot. Just like any wise being would say “a little of everything is not good”, I wouldn’t advice you to stay under the sun for too long or unless, you discovered an anti-cancer skin for yourself.  


  1. Thanks for the tip man. Also, loved ur fashion tips; waiting for the part ii to it.


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